Brand: paXive

15 KOhm resistor, 1W, 5%, Metal Oxide - B-Stock product

Product Code: 101R1W15KMF-BSTOCK

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €0.05838 €0.071224
1 Promo €0.0467 €0.056974
50 20% €0.03736 €0.045579
100 30% €0.03269 €0.039882
500 40% €0.02802 €0.034184
1000 50% €0.02335 €0.028487
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Axial metal oxide resistor 15KΩ, 1 Watt, 5% - B-Stock

B-Stock product in perfect working order and consistent with the declared specifications but with damaged packaging not suitable for automatic assembly.

Standard metal oxide resistance with axial leads for PTH (Pin to Hole) installations. The metal oxide resistors (Metal Oxide MO) are suitable for general uses in the electronic and electrical engineering fields. They are composed of a ceramic support on which a layer of metal oxide is deposited. They have a better tolerance to high temperatures.


  • Resistance value: 15KΩ
  • Rated power: 1W
  • Tolerance: 5%
  • Length: 9.5mm (L)
  • Diameter: 3.2mm (D)
  • Leads length: 26 mm (H)
  • Lead diameter: 0.58 mm (d)

Minimum order quantity: 10 pieces or multiples of 10 pieces.

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