Brand: ALMIT

Almit 80072050 Tin Alloy Wire 60/40 with Flux Lead L1 diameter 0,8mm 500 grams KR-19 SH RMA

Product Code: 570AL80072050

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €44.7165 €54.55413
1 Promo €42.363 €51.68286
3 3% €41.09211 €50.132374
5 5% €40.24485 €49.098717
10 10% €38.1267 €46.514574
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Almit 80072050 Tin Alloy with 0.8mm 60/40 Lead

Lead Containing Brazing Wire, Sn-40Pb, 183° - 190°C, Flux 2.2%, REL1.

Tin for soldering 60/40, with very high quality and high weldability

A faster wettability, an absolute constancy of quality, make Almit one of the main suppliers of wires for manual and robotic welding. Only the finest and purest materials are used to ensure consistent quality, from start to finish of every spool of welding wire. The flux contains a highly efficient wetting agent based on natural resin, the natural water content of which has been dehydrated through a special process. This serves to reduce the danger that the solder and the flux are not evenly distributed along the entire length, an annoying problem which could lead to short circuit phenomena and a reduction in the quality of the weld. The flux arranged in a single core allows efficient and error-free welding, even in the presence of heavily oxidized components. The flux components are patented and are the fastest in eliminating the oxide layer and guarantee extremely rapid wetting of the connections. This level of quality is confirmed by the fact that with Almit less welding wire is consumed and higher production is achieved with reduced scrap rates, resulting in increased productivity at lower costs.

Main features

  • Flux Classification: REL1
  • Alloy Type: 60A Sn-40.0Pb
  • Melting temperature: 183 - 190 °C
  • Flux Type: KR-19 SH RMA
  • Flux Percentage: 2.2%
  • Wire diameter: 0.8mm
  • Packaging: 500 gram spool

Product Codes: KR-19 SH RMA, 800 720 50, 80072050, 2000000688367

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