Brand: ALPHA

Alpha TELECORE HF-850 Alloy tin wire 1mm SACX Plus 0307 500g 160193

Product Code: 570AST0307-1.0

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €57.85 €70.577
1 Promo €54.9575 €67.04815
5 5% €52.20963 €63.695749
10 10% €49.46175 €60.343335
20 20% €43.966 €53.63852
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation
The ALPHA Telecore HF-850 SACX PLUS 0307 welding wire is the Alpha wire with high wettability and with the fewest spatters. It is halogen-free and halide-free. It performs admirably when compared to products containing halogens and halides and is the optimal option for meeting environmental requirements. The quick wetting of ALPHA Telecore HF-850 satisfies drag welding and all other common welding needs. Its clear residue allows for easy inspection of solder joints, and the very low spatter rate ensures that board aesthetics and user comfort are maintained. All this translates into a safe and environmentally friendly product, easy to use for the operator and pleasant to use.


  • Very fast wetting → Reduced cycle times for retouching components and manual assembly
  • Very low flow spray → Safe to use, easy to use, less residue on the boards
  • Good diffusion characteristics → Excellent first pass solder joints. JIS diffusion ≥ 80%.
  • Very low smoke levels → Cleaner working environment, less extraction maintenance
  • Clear non-sticky residues → No-Clean residues, useful for all applications
  • Provides a good joint appearance → Simplifies inspection
  • Halogen and Halide Free → Environmental compliance and high electrical reliability

Main features

  • Composition: Sn99Ag0,3Cu0,7
  • Solidification / Melting point: 217 ° C / 228 ° C
  • Percentage of flux: 2.2%
  • Diameter: 1 mm
  • Weight: 500 grams
  • Flux type L0
Product codes: 160193, ALPHA TELCORE HF-840 SACX Plus 0307 1mm, 2000000725383

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