Brand: Amprobe

Amprobe AMP-320 Current Clamp AC / DC 600A TRMS

Product Code: 560AMP320

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €252.00 €307.44
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Amprobe AMP-320 AC / DC 600A TRMS Clamp Meter for electrical maintenance

The AMP-300-EUR True RMS Clamp Meter Series offers a full range of measurement functions for modern industrial environments, motor testing and HVAC applications. All models feature true-RMS sensing capabilities, low-pass filters, and processors with fast response times for error-free measurements. The Amp-Tip function allows accurate current measurement down to one-tenth of an Amp, while a third input connector allows motor rotation and three-phase sequence testing.

Features of the AMP-300-EUR series

True RMS value
  • for precision voltage measurements in noisy environments
Ideal for engine maintenance:
  • Test the motors
  • Motor rotation
  • Three-phase sequence test
  • Inrush current monitoring during motor start
HVAC features
  • Temperature measurement, user selectable in ° C or ° F
  • DC microamps for flame sensor test
  • Measurement of capacitance for starting and running of motor capacitors
Amp-Tip function
  • for low current measurements in small diameter wires up to 0.1 Amp, to help troubleshoot electrical systems.
Low pass filter
  • for current and voltage measurements of variable frequency drives.
Safety class
  • CAT III 600 V
Beha Amprobe AMP-320-EUR

AMP-300-EUR series applications

  • Precise measurement of current, voltage and frequency of all electrical installations, including distorted, non-sinusoidal signals (true RMS value function) and variable frequency drives (low pass filter).
  • Measurement of capacitance for starting and running of motor capacitors.
  • Resistance and continuity of functions in order to check the quality of the electrical connections and if the motor and the transformer coils are working correctly
  • Three-phase motor and phase rotation test to allow correct connection of a motor to a three-phase system. An incorrectly connected motor runs in reverse, with the likelihood of being damaged along with the equipment connected to it.
  • Low pass filter that allows current and voltage measurement of variable frequency drives (frequency controlled speed motors). Without this feature, the multimeter gives incorrect data when measuring voltage and current.
  • DC microampere output for flame sensor measurement. Checks the correct functioning of the flame sensor safety system for gas appliances. A broken sensor in a gas appliance prevents the safety valve from opening and therefore the machine does not work
  • Inrush current measurement for motor starting monitoring, which allows users to verify if the motor is receiving inrush current to sustain proper starting.
Product Codes: AMP-320, AMP320, 0095969770934, B00TFJYO04

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