Brand: Fluke

Fluke PTi120 Pocket Thermal Imager 400 ° C

Product Code: 560PTI120

Inventory Status: out of stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €924.00 €1,127.28
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fluke PTi120 Compact Thermal Imager

The power of a professional thermal imager in a pocket-sized format. Fully radiometric, it provides measurement data with 120 x 90 (10,800 pixel) infrared resolution. 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen display for easy troubleshooting.


Portable and rugged thermal imaging camera for industrial inspections. In the right place. At the right time. With the right tool.

The bigger the problem, the faster you need to solve it. The new Fluke Pocket Thermal Imager puts the power to minimize downtime in everyone’s hands. The first line of defense for easy troubleshooting. Stop putting out fires, start preventing them.

With you at work because it is the tool to do everything.

Small enough to carry every day without any fuss. Always at hand. Dirt and water resistant. Able to withstand drops from 1 meter. Cutting-edge infrared inspections right from your pocket to quickly analyze the temperature of electrical equipment, machinery and more.

Automatically save images to the right folders.

With the Fluke Connect Asset Identification System, you take the hassle out of organizing your infrared images. Simply scan the QR code or barcode of your inspection object, and your infrared images, with date and time stamped information, will be stored in predefined folders. Send everything via wifi or automatically upload once connected to your network or computer via USB. Time. Now you can save time, efficiently find and document any errors before they become a problem.

Choose your infrared level at any time.

The 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen features IR-Fusion™ technology to overlay a visual image with an infrared image to help you find problems. Simply slide your finger across the screen to adjust the setting.

The ability to solve problems right from your pocket.

  • Automatically organize and archive thermal images with the Fluke Connect Asset Identification System
  • The fully radiometric thermal imager provides measurement data with an infrared resolution of 120 x 90 (10,800 pixels)
  • 3.5 inch LCD touchscreen display for easy troubleshooting
  • Temperature measurement range -20℃ to +400℃
  • Six color palettes
  • Able to withstand drops from heights of up to 1 meter
  • Enclosure protection degree IP54


Thermal imager; USB cable; soft case; adjustable lanyard. Available for free download: Fluke Connect® software and user manual.

Product Codes:

PTi120, 0095969906371, 5074148, 095969906241, 5302512, FLK-PTI120 9HZ 400C

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