Brand: Altro

3 axis CNC kit Base board + compatible Nano board + Driver

Product Code: 862CNCNANOSET

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €15.98 €19.4956
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation
Set consisting of a base board, three A4988 chip stepper motor drivers (capable of controlling a bipolar stepper motor with max. Current of 2A), a compatible Arduino® Nano board and a USB-mini USB cable about 30 cm long. Shown Can be used to control a small CNC milling machine, 3D printer, etc.

Compatible with GRBL (Open source firmware that runs on an Arduino® and which transforms G-code commands into stepper signals), it has connectors for inserting the 3 drivers with A4988 chip that allow you to drive up to 3 stepper motors (X, Y, Z axes), connector for inserting the Arduino® Nano or Arduino® Nano compatible board, reset button, 3.3 and 5 volt output, connector for E-Stop and axis limit switches (XYZ).

Furthermore, for each driver there are 3 jumpers that allow you to select 5 motor control modes: step, 1/2 step, 1/4 step, 1/8 step and 1/16 step. An I2C LCD display or other devices using the I2C interface can be connected to the I2C connector.

NB the package does not include the stepper motors.

Technical specifications

  • Diet:
  • - via PLUG DC: from 7.5 to 12 VDC (jumper inserted on Mot_VOT_Sel)
  • - via Mot_VCC and Mot_GND pads: up to 24 VDC (remove jumpers from Mot_VOT_Sel)
  • Control board: Arduino® Nano compatible
  • GRBL Compatible: Yes
  • Motor Drivers: 3 with A4988 chip (DRV8825 and compatible drivers can also be used)
  • Number of controllable motors: 3
  • Connectors for E-Stop and axis limit switches (XYZ): Yes (step, 1/2 step, 1/4 step, 1/8 step and 1/16 step)
  • Reset Button: Yes
  • Jumper for motor control mode: Yes
  • Base board dimensions (mm): 72,20x59x13
  • Weight: about 27 grams
Product code: CNCNANOSET

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