Brand: Powercom

Powercom INFINITY 800 Sinusoidal UPS for 12V External Battery

Product Code: 530INFINITY800

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €295.00 €359.90
1 Promo €206.50 €251.93
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Powercom INFINITY 800 Sinusoidal UPS with 12V External Battery

UPS with sine wave output equipped with connection for external 12V batteries with recommended capacities of 65-150 Ah

The INFINITY EPS is a safety device that can be used to power and protect all the equipment that requires a perfectly sinusoidal waveform and for a very long period of time in the absence of a mains, based on large capacity external accumulators.

The batteries are not contained in the equipment cabinet but must be installed externally and connected to the UPS via the appropriate rear connection.

The equipment is in fact a UPS with LINE INTERACTIVE technology and SINUSOIDAL output in order to be able to guarantee maximum protection from network disturbances in an industrial or automation environment.

It is equipped with suitable filters, effective in protecting the equipment from network problems. In the presence of the grid, it stabilizes the output via an AVR and intervenes with the batteries and the inverter when the grid is not suitable (too low or too high) or when it is absent.

  • Ideal for applications in Industrial Automation, robotics and multimedia totem environments
  • It guarantees perfectly sinusoidal output, high reliability and ensures maximum and long battery life
  • It is equipped with simple, fast connections and in line with the needs of the installation environment
  • It is possible to increase its resistance to hostile atmospheres thanks to tropicalization treatments
  • Thanks to the power of the internal battery chargers, it is possible to use large capacity accumulators to obtain long autonomy and in any case normal recharge times


The equipment is equipped with a USB communication port. For the applications to which it is dedicated, it is able to recharge a pack of batteries even of large capacity and checks the correct connection of the polarity of the accumulators with a specific signal.

The INFINITY responds in a simple and functional way to the continuity needs of equipment such as motors, pumps, transformers or simply all loads that require a very long autonomy (WIFI antennas, sensors, automation applications, multimedia totems and cash automation or parking automation ).

Supplied without batteries which must be correctly sized according to the desired autonomy.


It looks like a simple UPS and has a pleasant and functional graphic interface via LCD display. The batteries must be housed close to the equipment, even without protection if the equipment is mounted inside a switchboard or a machine. All connections are easy to connect: battery terminals, mains power cable and comfortable schuko sockets for charging. These features make INFINITY an easy to install, use and extremely functional tool in all automation applications.

More information in the attached brochure and specifications

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