Brand: Altro

Camerson encapsulated transformer 230 V - 12V - 2.3 VA EI30R

Product Code: 261EI30R15512

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €3.223 €3.93206
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation


The EI30R series encapsulated safety transformers are produced by CAMERSON SpA in compliance with the CEI EN 61558, UL 1585 and CSA 22.2 standards. The entire series is also ENEC certified for Europe. The EI30R series encapsulated safety transformers are manufactured using the most advanced materials and the most modern technologies:

  • Class H enamelled copper wires
  • High permeability ferromagnetic core
  • Encapsulation with high mechanical and dielectric performance technopolymers
  • Compact shape that allows it to be inserted in small spaces
  • Standoff to improve welding and washing
  • Packaging in practical transparent PVC sticks that guarantee the integrity of the product and allow automatic assembly on printed circuits
  • Integrated automation of all processes
  • Use of electronic wire tensioners in the winding phases
  • Assembly of the ferromagnetic core with plasma welding
  • Strict electrical tests and controls with artificial vision systems on 100% of production
  • Monitoring, archiving and processing of all electrical parameters


  • Compliance with RoHS directives
  • Compliance with CEI EN 61558 standards
  • ENEC international certification
  • UL certification according to UL 1585
  • Short circuit resistance by construction
  • Insulation voltage 3750 VAC
  • Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
  • Ambient temperature 70 ° C
  • Class B insulation system
  • Degree of protection IP00
  • Double chamber reel in thermoplastic material UL 94 HB
  • Class H enamelled copper wire windings
  • Encapsulation in polyamide resin UL 94 HB


EI30R layout

Technical features:

Mod. 15512 12V 2.3 VA ta70 ° C / B h 28.5

PRI 1-5


SEC 7-9

12 V

No-load voltage




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