Brand: CSB

CSB UPS12460 F2 Rechargeable lead acid battery 12V 460W 6.3 mm faston

Product Code: 460UPS12460

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €21.872 €26.68384
1 Promo €18.5912 €22.681264
5 3% €18.03346 €22.000821
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

CSB UPS12460 Lead-acid sealed battery 12V 460W Faston 6.3mm

UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply or uninterrupted power supply . The UPS series batteries represent the very latest UPS specific battery solution employing the latest wafer-thin plate technologies to provide ever higher performance.

Main features

  • When used correctly, the battery is maintenance-free, adding water is unnecessary and can be recharged repeatedly
  • Sealed construction, can be placed vertically, horizontally and sideways, its safety and performance will not be affected
  • By using a special formula for the production of lead calcium alloys and automatic processes, internal gasification is reduced
  • Long life, low discharge rate and high reliability
  • Safe, low resistance so you can easily recharge by favoring the delivery of energy
  • Standby use
  • Construction suitable for rapid discharge
  • Deep discharge recovery
  • UL recognized components under UL 1989 (file number MH14533)
  • Compliant with IATA / ICAO A67 special standard for air transport
  • Classified for MG Amendment 27 as non-hazardous material for transport by sea
  • Recognized by DOT as "Dry Charge" 49 CFR 171-189 for surface transportation Leggi l'articolo del nostro blog che spiega come usare e mantenere le batterie al piombo


  • Nominal voltage: 12V
  • Nominal capacity 460W @ 5min-rate to 9.60V per PCS @ 25 ℃
  • Length: 151 mm
  • Depth: 65 mm
  • Height: 94 mm (excluding fastons)
  • Height: 99 mm (including fastons)
  • Connection: faston 6,8 mm

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Blog - Tp-link Zero to Hero

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