Arduino® Tinkerkit Arm in kit


Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €274.62 €335.0364
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Arduino® Arm cod. T050000 is an ideal robotic arm to start experimenting with the multiple automation solutions offered by Arduino®. It can be assembled in different ways and, thanks to the package complete with everything you need (except the Arduino®), it allows you to immediately explore this fantastic world.

Braccio's keyword is "versatility". In fact, it can be used to support and move various objects with fluid and precise movements, for example:

  • a camera tracking a subject
  • a smartphone or tablet that keeps you in the center of the frame during a video conference
  • a solar panel to create a "solar tracker"

Arduino® arm is supplied as an assembly kit and requires to be assembled before use. An assembly guide is included in the box (also downloadable in pdf from here ). The power supply is via the 5V / 5A power supply included in the package. The kit is equipped with a shield controller compatible with the Arduino® UNO R3 pinout and everything needed for commissioning, including

  • servo motors: 2 x SR 311, 4 x SR 431
  • 5V, 5A power supply
  • manipulator
  • graduated base
  • screws and washers
  • structural components
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • hex key
  • spiral sheath

Braccio is compatible with Uno, Uno SMD, Uno WiFi, Due, Mega 2560, Ethernet, Leonardo, Leonardo ETH, M0, M0 Pro, Yun, Tian. If used with UNO WiFi, Leonardo Ethernet, Yún or Tian, it will be possible to control Braccio directly from the smartphone.

Once assembled, Braccio reaches the dimensions of 42.0 × 20.5 × 39.5 mm and a weight of 792g. Arm can handle a weight of 150g at 32cm and 400g at the minimum configuration.

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