Flexible Unipolar Cable with Strands 0.5 mm² in Tinned Copper Sheath in Black PVC

Product Code: 423C205N

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €0.746 €0.91012
100 30% €0.5222 €0.637084
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Tasker C205 Unipolar Flexible Cable

Extra-Flex single core cable with multi-stranded conductor made of extremely thin OFC tinned copper wires wound together. Suitable for applications on measuring instruments such as for example for tester tips and also for other electronic uses. Allowed to use only for cold applications. Black PVC insulation.

Technical specifications






No conductors

nominal section

(mm 2 )




Ø conductor


Ø Inner sheath


Hollow external Ø




- 49 1







More information in the product datasheet.


  • Minimum sales unit 1mt
  • Price referred to 1mt
  • Max quantity supplied in single section: 100mt
  • In case of purchase of quantities greater than 100mt, whole skeins + the remaining quantity will be shipped.
  • In no case are welds and joints of the sections carried out unless previously agreed.

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