Brand: Fibaro

Fibaro Z-Wave Plus Starter KIT with Home Center Lite and 5 accessories

Product Code: 800FGSK-EU

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €415.84 €507.3248
1 Promo €236.88525 €289.000005
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fibaro Z-Wave Plus Starter KIT with Home Center Lite and 5 accessories

The FIBARO system allows you to create an ecosystem of home automation devices for complete control of the home of any size. The system can manage even very complex but always highly reliable and expandable systems adapted to the needs of all environments and the needs of each family member.

The FIBARO system is simple to install and configure. The devices that require professional installation allow non-invasive assembly while the plug & play ones are ready for use immediately, after quick configuration. FIBARO is compatible with voice control technologies. Just tell the system what it should do and your request will be fulfilled immediately.

Checking the status of the devices and home control are possible from anywhere in the world: just access to the internet to be able to have a look at home at any time. Among other things, FIBARO will take care of your safety and protect you from fire, flooding or theft. It makes life easier for the elderly and children as well as for people with reduced mobility.

FIBARO allows you to measure the energy consumption of household devices. In this way you will be able to easily identify the devices responsible for the greatest electrical consumption in your home. Plus, you can schedule the system to automatically help you make the biggest savings on your bill.

FIBARO knows what's most important. Access to your home and your data are protected at the highest level through WAF and Anti-DDoS systems and communication is encrypted with the use of TLS protocols and passwords via a bcrypt.

The Fibaro system can be configured, upgraded and expanded at any time, thanks to the countless home automation devices that compose it. The many accessories allow the complete integrated management of lighting, doors and shutters, heating, safety and protection , using actuators and sensors that cover every possible need.

To facilitate the implementation of the system, Fibaro offers the FGSK EU Starter KIT which includes:

  • Gateway Home Center Lite (FGHCL EU SW 4.X)
  • Flood Sensor (FGFS-101 ZW5 EU)
  • 4-in-1 Motion Sensor (FGMS-001 ZW5 EU)
  • Smoke Sensor 2 (FGSD-002 ZW5 EU)
  • Door / Window Sensor white (FGDW-002-1 ZW5 EU)
  • Wall Plug Type F (FGWPF-102 ZW5 E)

The Fibaro ecosystem revolves around the Home Center Lite gateway FGHCL EU SW 4.X, the brain of the Fibaro system The Home Center Lite gateway manages up to 50 Z-Wave and IP devices and interconnects them to generate 10 scenarios. It is compatible with voice assistants such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa and is ZWave certified.

The Home Center Lite is a mini brain of the FIBARO System which inherits most of the features of the Home Center 2 model. The gateway allows you to control the various multimedia devices and smart home systems and allows you to store data in the cloud with the function of recovery that allows you to restore system functions quickly and easily. The user can manage the settings via the intuitive FIBARO application.

  • Use Z-Wave wireless technology to manage multiple connected devices at the same time.
  • Compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.
  • Interface available via web browser or phone app.
  • Simple installation and configuration.
  • Compatible with the range of Z-Wave sensors, actors, remote controls and various IP cameras.
  • Low energy consumption.

Fibaro Home Center Lite Quick Start Guide

Fibaro Home Center lite

Flood Fibaro

Flood Sensor FGFS-101 ZW5 EU Flood and temperature sensor

The Flood Sensor detects water leaks and measures the ambient temperature. It features a tamper function and is Z-Wave certified.

The FIBARO Flood Sensor is a Z-Wave compatible universal flood and temperature sensor. The device can be battery powered or DC powered. The flood alarm is sent to the Z-Wave network devices or in addition to any alarm system controller, through the opening of a dry contact.

The device has a built-in temperature sensor, which monitors the floor temperature. The flood sensor is designed to be placed on the floor or on a wall using an external probe. The device has a built-in LED and audible visual alarm indicator.

In addition, the Flood Sensor is equipped with a tilt sensor which reports tilt or movement to the main controller, eg. when someone has picked up the sensor from its original location.

In the event of heavy flooding, the Flood Sensor remains afloat and continues to send the alarm signal to the system.

Fibaro Flood Sensor Quick Start Guide

Fibaro Flood Sensor Quick Manual

Motion Sensor FGMS-001 ZW5 EU Motion, light and temperature sensor

The Motion Sensor detects movement, ambient temperature and light intensity. Thanks to the integrated accelerometer, the sensor is equipped with a tamper function. It is Z-Wave certified.

The FIBARO Motion Sensor is a universal Z-Wave multifunction sensor. In addition to detecting movement, the device measures temperature and light intensity. The sensor has a built-in accelerometer to detect any tampering with the device. The FIBARO motion sensor is a battery powered device designed to be installed quickly and easily on any surface. The LED indicator signals movement, temperature level, operating mode and can be used to see if the device is within the Z-Wave network. The motion sensor can be used for lighting scenes and presence monitoring systems.

Fibaro Motion Sensor Quick Start Guide

>>> Fibaro Motion Sensor Quick Manual

Motion Sensor FGMS-001 ZW5 EU Fibaro

Fibaro Smoke Sensor 2 FGSD-002 ZW5 EU

Smoke Sensor 2 FGSD-002 ZW5 EU Smoke and temperature sensor

The Smoke Sensor signals the presence of smoke and measures the ambient temperature. The alarm can be signaled through an internal buzzer. It is EN 14604: 2005 and Z-Wave certified.

The FIBARO Smoke Sensor is a universal Z-Wave optical smoke detector. The fire alarm is signaled by the sound, the flashing visual indicator and the sending of Z-Wave alarm and control commands.
The optical sensor detects smoke at an early stage of a fire, often before flames appear and the temperature begins to rise significantly. In addition, the device has a built-in temperature sensor, which is a programmable indicator of exceeding the set temperature level.
The FIBARO smoke detector is designed to be placed on a wall or ceiling. The visual indicator signals the fire, the operating mode and is used to see if the device is within the Z-Wave network. The smoke sensor is designed to work in confined spaces, under normal conditions (free of smoke, dust, condensed water vapor).

Fibaro Smoke Sensor Quick Start Guide

Fibaro Smoke Sensor Quick Manual

Door / Window Sensor FGDW-002-1 ZW5 EU White color temperature and door / window sensor

FIBARO Door / Window Sensor 2 is a battery powered Z-Wave Plus wireless magnetic contact sensor that detects the opening and closing of doors and windows and measures the ambient temperature Changing the device status will automatically send the signal to the Z-Wave controller and associated devices.

The sensor can be used to trigger scenes and where information is required on opening or closing doors, windows, garage doors, etc. Opening is detected by separating the sensor body and the magnet.

FIBARO Door / Window Sensor 2 is also equipped with a built-in temperature sensor.

Fibaro Door / Window Sensor Quick Manual

Fibaro Door/Window Sensor FGDW-002-1 ZW5 EU

Fibaro Wall Plug Tipo F FGWPF-102 ZW5 EU

Wall Plug Type F FGWPF-102 ZW5 EU Smart socket

The Wall Plug is a type F smart socket that allows its remote management. The measurement of electrical loads and energy consumption allows you to keep consumption under control. It is compatible with voice assistants such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa and is Z-Wave certified.

Wall Plug can be used to operate any device with absorption up to 2500W. The plug is equipped with energy consumption metering and uses a crystal LED ring to display the current load by changing color as a function of the load draw.

The FIBARO wall socket can be operated using the service button located on the body or via any Z-Wave compatible controller.

Fibaro Wall Plug Quick Start Guide

Fibaro Wall Plug Quick Manual

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