Brand: Fluke

Fluke 726 Precision Process Calibrator

Product Code: 560726

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €5,528.00 €6,744.16
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fluke 726 Precision Process Calibrator

Designed specifically for the process industries, the Fluke 726 Precision Multifunctional Process Calibrator offers broad workload coverage, calibration capabilities, and unprecedented accuracy. The 726 calibrator is capable of measuring and generating nearly any process parameter and calibrating most instruments. This model can interpret results without requiring the use of a calculator and can store measurement data for later analysis.


  • More accurate measurement and calibration performance, with an accuracy degree of 0.01%.
  • Two separate channels; capable of measuring, generating and displaying process signals simultaneously.
  • Performs voltage, mA, RTD, thermocouple, frequency, and resistance measurements for sensor and transmitter testing
  • Generate/simulate voltages, mA, thermocouples, RTDs, frequency, and pressure for transmitter calibration
  • Measure or generate pressure* via one of 29 Fluke 700Pxx pressure modules
  • mA source with simultaneous pressure measurement for valve and P/I testing
  • Integrated pressure switch test function to detect settings, reset and deadband values
  • Memory capacity can hold up to 8 calibration results, collection of field stored calibration data for later analysis.
  • Calculation of the percentage of error of the transmitters, interpretation of the calibration results without requiring the use of the calculator.
  • Fast linearity tests with Auto Step and Auto Ramp functions.
  • Power supply of transmitters under test with 24 V loop power supply and simultaneous mA measurement.
  • Storing frequently used test setups for later reuse.
  • Frequency totalizer and frequency pulse train generation for advanced flowmeter testing.
  • HART mode with 250 ohm resistor for mA measurement and generation compatible with HART instrumentation.
  • Custom RTD Curves add additional calibration constants to certified RTD probes for advanced temperature measurements.
  • New design for input voltage signal protection to improve reliability
  • Three year warranty

*Pump pressure required

More information in the attached datasheet and manual

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