Brand: Fracarro

Fracarro MBJ3R3 + 4 + 5 T2 TV switchboard 1 35dB input

Product Code: 581MBJ3R3+4+5-T2

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €119.85 €146.217
1 Promo €83.895 €102.3519
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fracarro MBJ3R3 + 4 + 5 T2 TV switchboard 1 35dB input

Indoor self-powered switchboard equipped with 4G and 5G filter that can be deactivated. This function allows you to exclude the cuts for 5G (frequency higher than 694MHz) in order not to lose any current channel. After the arrival of DVB-T2 scheduled for 2022, it will be sufficient to activate the 5G filter by acting on the switch to make it compatible with the new standard by filtering disturbances generated by 5G.


  • T2 technology : innovative cut selection switch for L TE 4G at 790MHz or 5G at 694MHz interference; integrated 4G and 5G LTE filters to minimize the footprint in the junction boxes compared to an external filter
  • ABLA Technology : keeps the output level constant as the input signal changes; each input is equipped with an ABLA LED that allows you to immediately identify if the RF levels of each input are within the correct working range and if the dedicated ABLA circuits are maintaining a constant output level
  • High shielding against LTE interference and fireproof ABS case in class V0
  • Enabling of remote power supply on all inputs and self-resetting protection against short circuits


These new solutions dedicated to TV amplification are characterized by the presence of a switch that allows you to select the filtering based on any interference caused by mobile telephone repeaters: the 4G position must be used in the presence of interferers at frequencies above 790 MHz, while the 5G position will be useful with interference in the 703-790 MHz band. In this way, with the same product, in a simple and practical way, it is possible to manage the different needs of the systems.

Specifications Fracarro MBJ3R3 + 4 + 5 T2

  • Code: 223620
  • Number of entrances: 1
  • Type of inputs: 3 + 4 + 5
  • Gain (dB): 35.35
  • Output level (dBµV): 110.120
  • ABLA Technology: yes
  • Switch T2: yes

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