Brand: Fracarro

Fracarro MAP3R3 + UU 2-input pole amplifier

Product Code: 581MAP3R3+UU

Inventory Status: discontinued

Fracarro MAP3R3 + UU 2-input pole amplifier

The new range of MAP EVO multi-input pole amplifiers, completely designed and produced by FRACARRO, was created to respond to the latest technological updates and all models have been carefully sized to ensure full compliance with the regulatory obligations regarding the Radio Spectrum, Electromagnetic Compatibility and the Safety enunciated in the recent European directives (RED Compliant) .

Some models of mast amplifiers have been equipped with the innovative “ Clipper” circuit which automatically limits the gain of the UHF input of the device to ensure the maximum level of RF output available and at the same time minimize the intermodulation.

MAP EVO mast amplifiers are equipped with separate VHF / UHF amplification and independent management of the input signals, they also offer high shielding against LTE disturbances, thanks to the brand new die-cast frame that encloses the amplification section.

The new ABS outdoor protective bell is equipped with a simplified slide opening and a tilting system of the amplification section, thus facilitating the installer's work during the connection and installation of the pole amplifier.

All MAP EVO are designed for the insertion of the remote power supply on a UHF input , furthermore each amplifier is equipped with a power supply LED which is very useful for immediately identifying the presence of any short-circuits in the RF connection cables.

Specifications Fracarro MAP3R3 + UU

  • Product code: 223708
  • Item: MAP3r3 + UU LTE
  • No. of entrances: 2
  • Type of inputs: 3 + DAB + UHF, UHF (+ dc)
  • No. of outputs: 1
  • Max Gain (dB): 28
  • VHF / UHF maximum output level (dBuV), 112/116
  • Absorption (mA): 60 @ 12V

More information in the attached datasheet

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