Brand: RIGOL

Rigol DS1074Z Plus 70MHz Oscilloscope 4 Channels 1GS / s

Product Code: 560DS1074Z-PLUS

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €419.00 €511.18
1 Promo €389.00 €474.58
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Rigol DS1074Z Plus Oscilloscope 70MHz 4 Channels 1GS / s

The DS1074Z Plus is a 4-channel digital oscilloscope with 70MHz bandwidth, 1GSa / s sampling 12 Mpt of memory. It is an instrument with an exceptional price / performance ratio, created to meet the needs of the electronic technician and thanks to the large 7-inch display, UltraVision technology guarantees excellent and powerful trigger functions and incredible analysis capabilities. This version is equipped with a port prepared for the installation of the optional MSO logic analyzer. By purchasing and installing the MSO Upgrade Kit , the instrument, in addition to the 4 analogue channels, gains another 16 digital channels, effectively becoming an MSO1074Z oscilloscope.

Technical specifications

  • 70MHz bandwidth
  • 1GSa / s real-time sampling
  • Standard memory depth up to 12M, optional up to 24M
  • 4 analog channels
  • Fast waveform capture rate up to 30,000 wfms / s
  • Innovative "UltraVision" technology
  • 7 "TFT WVGA screen (800X480)
  • Advanced triggers and RS232, I2C, SPI serial bus decoders
  • Interfaces: USB Host and USB device, LAN (LXI)


The 7 "(17.8 cm) inch display with a resolution of 800 x 480 points, allows you to view all four channels optimally.


It is possible to store up to 12 million measurement points, zoom in on a selected part of the waveforms and analyze its details. The optional memory module extends memory to 24 million points.


The high sampling (up to 1GSa / s) combined with the large memory, allows you to record very fast events.


The Multi-Level Grading Intensity display allows you to fully view particularly complex and extensive signals.


Like all models of the DS1000Z-Plus series, the DS1074S-Plus can also be easily upgraded with the MSO option. Just purchase the MSO1000Z option, which includes the Rigol RPL1116 logic probe (Logic Analysis Probe) to have 16 more digital channels for logic signal analysis.


  • 4 passive probes (150MHz) Rigol RP2200
  • USB cable
  • Power cord


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