Brand: Loox

Loox LOHD75UHQ Extender UHD 4K HDMI & IR over Cat.6 cable and Hdmi In / Out

Product Code: 840LOHD75UHQ

Inventory Status: discontinued

Loox LOHD75UHQ Extender UHD 4K HDMI & IR over Cat.6 cable and Hdmi In / Out

HDMI video signal and IR (infrared) signal extender capable of extending a 4K HDMI signal up to 30 meters or a 1080p HDMI signal up to 60 meters via a single Cat.6 UTP network cable .
It is also able to retransmit the infrared signal of the remote control with a frequency between 20 and 56 kHz, therefore also the IR signal of the remote controls of Sky decoders.

The transmitter has a pass- through HDMI output to connect an additional local monitor and the Power over Cable (PoC) function allows you to use only one power supply connected to the transmitter , the receiver is powered directly by the network cable, greatly facilitating its installation.
Note: it is possible to reach the indicated distances and resolutions by connecting the transmitter and receiver with a good quality UTP solid core network cable. By using a different network cable or by introducing wall plates, extensions or patch panels, it is possible to reduce the maximum distance supported.

In short

  • Support video resolution up to 4K * 2K @ 30Hz, and 3D signal
  • Compatible with HDMI 1.4 and HDCP 1.2
  • HDBaseT technology
  • Transmits the HDMI video signal (1080p) up to 70 meters over a single Cat. 6 cable
  • Transmits the HDMI video signal (4K * 2K) up to 30 meters over a single Cat. 6 cable
  • Support RS232 signal, bidirectional IR, EDID pass-through
  • Support keyboard and mouse
  • Support POC power supply
  • Automatically interfaces with the source and displays
  • Automatic adjustment system that makes the images more stable and clearer
  • ESD protection system
  • Simple installation: plug and play

Video Specifications

  • HDMI standard: 1.4, HDCP 1.2
  • Pixel clock (max): 165MHz
  • Data rate (max): 10.2Gbps
  • Resolution: 4K * 2K (max)
  • Connector: HDMI A
  • Impedance: 100Ω

IR specifications

  • 3.5mm jack interface
  • Signal: Digital bidirectional
  • IR frequency 20 ~ 56kHz

Specifications hw

  • DC 12V / 2A power supply
  • Dissipation 6W (max)
  • Operating temperature -5 ° C ~ + 70 ° C
  • Dimensions 122x93x23mm


  • PC: mini USB
  • Keyboard / mouse: USB A
  • RS232 signal: bidirectional
  • Adaptive Auto baud rate, 115200bps (max)
  • Data bits 8

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