Brand: Mitan

Mitan BJ132VIPG TV antenna switchboard 1 input, 2 settings, VIP technology (LTE700 -5G)

Product Code: 581BJ132VIPG

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €106.00 €129.32
1 Promo €74.20 €90.524
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

The VIP series switchboards have a system called V isual I ntermodulation P oint (VIP) which constantly analyzes the level of the output signals from the amplifier over the entire band (170 ÷ 700 Mhz) and, if this exceeds the maximum level. on the amplifier plate indicates this by turning on a LED. This system offers visual feedback directly from the switchboard, allowing you to set the maximum amplification gain,without the need to analyze the output signal, with the guarantee of remaining within the maximum power allowed on the output.

  • Adjustable gain with pin diode attenuators (2 dB steps)
  • System V isual I ntermodulation P oint
  • 120dBµV output level DTT only
  • Connectors F
  • SMD technology
  • Fully shielded metal frame
  • 230 V power supply
  • Automatic remote power supply on inputs (max 100mA)
  • Integrated LTE filter

Features Mitan BJ132VIPG

  • Entrances: 1
  • Input type: III + UHF
  • Gain: 36dB adjustable (III), 36dB adjustable (UHF)
  • Consumption: 195mA
mitan serie vip

UHF band limited to channel 48 as the upper limit, compliant with the new PNAF in force since September 2021.

Product codes: BJ132VIPG, 8033699076423, M58211300

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