Brand: Mitan

Mitan S5IRU Wired remote control repeater with USB power supply

Product Code: 584S5IRU

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €20.00 €24.40
1 Promo €14.00 €17.08
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Mitan S5IRU Wired remote control repeater with USB power supply

This wired IR remote control extender allows you to control an audio / video device placed inside a cabinet or hidden from view of the remote control. This repeater can be powered via a USB port or with the supplied 230V-USB adapter.


  • Remove the adhesive film positioned behind the transmitter probe of the S5IRU and stick it over the IR sensor of the device you want to control
  • Proceed in the same way with the receiving probe of the S5IRU which will be positioned on the external side of the cabinet
  • In order to obtain optimal performance and avoid interference, make sure that the receiving probe is well positioned for correct communication with the remote control.
  • Proceed with the power supply of the device through the USB socket on the TV or by connecting it directly to the 230V mains using the appropriate adapter.

Technical specifications

  • Receiving frequency: 34 kHz - 60 kHz and RC-MM codes
  • Receiving distance: 8m
  • Transmission frequency: 38kHz-56kHz
  • Transmission distance: 20cm
  • Power supply: 5VDC - 3mA
  • Receiver dimensions: 20x14x13 mm
  • Transmitter dimensions: 13x8x5.5 mm

Product codes: M53110600, S5IRU, 8033699076317

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