Brand: Microtek

OFS-MTK94 Fiber Optic Splicer with 4 motors

Product Code: 540OFS-MTK94

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €1,450.00 €1,769.00
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

OFS-MTK94 Fiber Optic Splicer with 4 motors

The OFS-MTK94 optical fusion splicer has been designed as a highly flexible, precise and with 4-motor tool
splice losses <0.02dB for G.652 fibers. Equipped with removable universal guides (250μm / 900μm / patch cord, FTTx cables etc.)
SOC connector adapters and an internal thermometer / brometer the OFS-MTK94 splicer can be used anywhere. The rapid ignition in just 7 seconds and melting in 9 seconds and the automatic heating make this splicer an efficient tool during the installation and maintenance of the networks.

Main features

  • Compact and lightweight: 1.8 kg including the battery
  • 4 motors for high quality joints
  • SMF (G.652), MMF (G.651), DSF (G.653), NZ-DSF (G.655), BIF (G.657), EDF
  • Unique guiding system for single fibers, pigtails, patch cords and FTTH
  • Automatic surface inspection, automatic arc alignment, loss calculation and temperature and atmospheric pressure compensation
  • Manual or automatic joints
  • Junction time ≤9s, heating ≤25s (duration and temperature adjustable)
  • Replaceable electrodes once exhausted
  • Optimization of the electric arc
  • Automatic pre-heating
  • Double V guide for perfect alignment
  • X / Y and X + Y display for a clear CORE image
  • Quick assembly of the battery in a special compartment protected from dust and water
  • DC output to power other devices
  • Interior lighting
  • Wind-water-dust and shock proof
  • Adjustable display
  • Simple and understandable graphic interface
  • Multi language software
  • Function manageable with appropriate password


  • OFS-MTK94 splicer
  • support for oven
  • lithium battery
  • adapter
  • cutter
  • USB cable
  • suitcase
  • wire stripper
  • shoulder strap
  • alcohol dispenser

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