Brand: Finder

Programmable Thermostat Slide Touchscreen Finder White

Product Code: 8001C61BI

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €99.6625 €121.58825
1 Promo €87.9375 €107.28375
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Weekly Chronothermostat Touch Slide Finder 1C.61 White

Absolutely innovative chronothermostat as the first “touch slide” capable of integrating the simplicity of a touch screen display with the exclusive concept of “guided programming” with the simplicity of adjusting the 24 linear cursors for temperatures. The size and design make it unique with only 17mm thickness and the paint in cream white color. The mechanism with spring drawer manages to offer protection to the sliders from dust and to give continuity to the aesthetic curves. The backlit display, with large characters and “dynamic” (moving) icons has excellent readability. Despite the large display and the backlight, the advanced electronics of the new 1C.61 manages to manage the absorption, extending the life of the batteries up to 2 years.

Simple but complete: The 1C.61 chronothermostat is proposed with this slogan in fact by entering the “setup” it is possible to program functions and add new buttons on the display. For example, it is possible to set the minimum resolution of 15 minutes, the “day” function that allows you to program 3 conditions during the week (Off, manual, cursors). It is possible to set the reading of a probe (optional) placed outside the chrono or make adjustments (remote) by setting it as the main sensor. The simple blocking or tampering functions (with PIN) are also innovative with the total storage of the parameters entered (including the cursors), the possibility of calibration to align the display with the real perceived temperature. It is also possible to control the operation of the chronothermostat with a remote contact, forcing it from the off or manual condition to automatic. In case of difficulty, the reset function restores all the factory data, returning the product as just purchased. Lastly, the timed manual (or holiday) function has been simplified by inserting the concept of "calendar" then, by setting the minutes, time and date of returning from holidays, the chronothermostat automatically returns to the automatic condition.


• Daily programmable thermostat with weekly settings
• Adjustment range from 5 to 37 ° C
• Alkaline batteries and mounting kit included
• Contact rating from 5 A to 250 V AC
• Adjustable thermal differential from 0.1 to 0.9 ° C

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