Brand: Finder

Built-in Bluetooth dimmer with 1 output 300 Watt Finder YESLY

Product Code: 80015218230B300

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €62.6076 €76.381272
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Finder Built-in Bluetooth dimmer with 1 output 300 Watt - YESLYBluetooth dimmer with 1 output 200 Watt

Type 15.21 is the universal dimmer that allows you to remotely control many different light sources, in order to increase comfort and reduce waste of electricity. It is incredibly versatile and suitable for any application, with dimmable LED or CLF lamps, halogen lamps, electronic ballasts.

The YESLY dimmer can be controlled via:

Main features

  • 1 exit
  • Lamp load: 150 W LED, 300 W halogen
  • 7 selectable functions modify the regulation method and curve
  • AUTO function, automatically sets the most correct method for driving the applied lamp
  • Adjustment method, phase cutting: Leading Edge and Trailing Edge
  • Default function: Trailing Edge - linear adjustment
  • 1 input for wired buttons. It can be controlled by: wired buttons, wireless buttons, smartphones
  • Compatible with energy saving, compact fluorescent dimmable (CFL) or dimmable LED lamps and with electronic and electromechanical transformers
  • Management of up to 8 scenarios
  • Programming with Android or iOS smartphone
  • Overtemperature and short circuit protection
  • Supply voltage 230 V AC (50 / 60Hz)
  • Bluetooth 4.2 Low Energy connection protected with 128-bit encryption

Further information in the attached information

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