Brand: Finder

Finder Indoor Motion Detector with Bluetooth Low Energy BLE

Product Code: 2811851B

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €88.9575 €108.52815
5 5% €84.50963 €103.101749
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Finder Indoor Motion Detector with Bluetooth Low Energy BLE

  • Programmable via Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) with Android and iOS Smartphones
  • Free “Finder Toolbox” application downloadable from the official Google and Apple stores
  • Two detection areas: “presence” zone suitable for areas with low activity by the occupants; "movement" area suitable for transit areas or greater activity
  • Wide coverage area up to 64 m2: movement 8x8 m, presence 4x4 m
  • Modern design
  • Reduced installation time thanks to the cable connection with push-in terminals
  • One NO 10 A contact with "zero crossing" switching
  • Supply voltage: 110 ... 230 V AC (50 / 60Hz)
  • Adjustment of the brightness threshold: 4 lx ... 1000 lx
  • Adjustment of the shutdown delay from 12 seconds to 25 minutes
  • Wall or recessed installation, compatibility with 60 mm junction boxes and 502 boxes
  • Split terminals for connecting other products in parallel

Possibility of installation

The detector is supplied with several adapters that allow installation multiple ways. Two masks are supplied for installation in flush-mounted or false-ceiling boxes to be completed with the appropriate plate supplied or the detector can be mounted in the center of the room using the special container also supplied.

False ceiling mounting Flush mounting External mounting

Push-in terminals for a quick and safe connection of cables

The Push-in system allows fast and reliable wiring of the detector without the need to use tools. This aspect is particularly useful considering the not always easy positioning of the detector which must possibly take place in the center of the room at a distance of about 2.5-3 meters from the floor. The push-in system accepts both rigid and flexible cables, even with ferrules with a section up to 2.5 mmq.

Push-in Finder

Rigid cable connection

or with ferrules

Flexible cable connection Disconnection

Simple smartphone programming

Thanks to the use of Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) technology, the setting of the detectors can be done conveniently with an Android or iOS smartphone. After installing 18.51, simply download the free Finder Toolbox App from the official Google and Apple stores, and set all the parameters.

The detectors can be renamed to facilitate traceability within the building. It is possible to adjust the brightness level from 4 lux to 1000 lux, the delay time from 12 seconds to 25 minutes, and the reading sensitivity on three levels.

Each time you connect to a detector, a red LED confirms that the correct pairing has been made and all the set values are shared. The detector responds with two feedback values: the brightness read by the light sensor on board the device and the contact status if closed (ON) or open (OFF).

For security reasons, the detectors can also be locked with a selector and a 4-digit PIN to prevent modification of the parameters by unauthorized users

eyelid finder

Limiting eyelid

The supplied limiting membrane allows to contain the controlled area in order to reduce the number of unwanted detections in the installation area.

The eyelid is applied mechanically even after installation.

The detection area thus obtained will be approximately 2 meters in case of installation at a typical height of 2.8 meters.

Sensor cover and wiring diagram

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