Brand: Televes

Televes SmartKom 531911 Programmable Pole Amplifier Kit with Bluetooth power supply

Product Code: 584531911

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €267.35 €326.167
1 Promo €179.1245 €218.53189
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Televes SmartKom 531911 Programmable pole amplifier kit with Bluetooth power supply

SmartKom is a compact and intelligent range of amplifiers with digital channel processing, designed for houses or small blocks of flats . They are equipped with various inputs to amplify terrestrial signals up to a maximum of 3 different antennas (for the VHF/UHF bands); each MUX can be filtered individually in any of the 32 programmable filters available.
These amplifiers are designed to combine the functions of signal filtering, mixing, amplification and balancing in a single device . To make everything easier, self-programming has been included , a function which gives these devices the ability to program and regulate themselves independently, simply by pressing a button.

Why Smartkom?

  • "All-in-one" device : combines the functions of the different elements that make up a system: such as filters, mixers and amplifiers, providing complete signal distribution on the output cable.
  • Plug&Play: the amplifier programs itself automatically and adjusts the level of the output channel, simply by pressing the self-programming key.
  • High signal quality : the pole installation of this device, positioned under the antenna, prevents signal degradation. Combine these amplifiers with Televes smart antenna to get the best quality.
  • Up to 32 high selectivity digital filters: each channel is filtered individually
  • Digital channel processing : a perfect equalization of the output signal level between different channels, even between adjacent channels.
  • SAW filter (Surface Acoustic Wave): excellent cut of 4G/5G telephone interference.
  • Wireless manual programming (via Bluetooth): available via smartphone, tablet or PC with the ASuite app, avoiding having to do it physically on the pole.


  • Automatic adjustment of the signal gain in each filter (AGC).
  • Safe configuration : in the event of an electrical failure, SmartKom saves the current configuration, avoiding having to redo it.
  • Remote power supply through the coaxial output connector.
  • High shielding frame , made in Zamak.
  • LED indicators showing both adjustment and programming status.
  • Easily adaptable to large condominium systems by combining it with an amplification control unit

Configure your SmartKom amplifier in the simplest way:
Both automatic and manual configuration are available!

Automatic configuration

The amplifier's self-programming feature gives this device the ability to program and adjust itself. Just install the product, press the self-programming button* and enjoy a complete and perfect experience thanks to a balanced TV signal.


*The self-programming button is available on the chassis of all amplifiers, and also on the home power supply included with the mast (external) amplifier version.

Manual configuration

Manual configuration of the amplifier is also available for professional installers and advanced users. This type of programming is very convenient because it is wireless, via Bluetooth* via smartphone, tablet or PC, with the ASuite application. You no longer need to physically climb the pole to set it up


You will always be connected because in the indoor version the Bluetooth antenna is inside the amplifier and in the mast amplifier version (for outdoor use) it is located in the included domestic power supply.

Installation example: System with SmartKom mast amplifier in a detached house

The device is installed on the antenna mast and is powered by the coaxial output connector. The power supply is located inside and includes the Bluetooth antenna for manual programming via the ASuite app.

Further information and specifications in the attached product sheet .
Product codes: 531911, 8424450266250

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