TV control unit with Active Filters Johansson 6701 Profiler Revolution Lite 5 Programmable inputs

Product Code: 584AMP6701

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €375.44 €458.0368
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

TV control unit with Johansson 6701 Profiler Revolution Lite Active Filters with 5 programmable inputs

The new Johansson Profiler Revolution Central has no equivalent on the market thanks to its revolutionary technology that offers 5 great advantages:

  • The most cost effective channel conversion solution on the market, with great flexibility in assigning any VHF / UHF input to any VHF / UHF output
  • Very quick and easy installation, no need for a field meter
  • Extremely sharp filters, 50 dB on adjacent channels and built-in 4G / 5G / LTE filters. Profiler Revolution can filter and amplify very weak signals. This is something our test users couldn't do with other equipment in the past.
  • Perfect for fiber installation to equalize and optimize signals
  • Excellent output signal quality, Profiler Revolution optimizes the digital terrestrial input signal to ensure the highest video quality on end users' TV screens

AMP6701 specifications

Entrances - 4 VHF / UHF + 1FM
Exit - 1 main (FM-VHF-UHF) + 1 test port (-30dB)
Frequencies MHz
FM: 88 - 108
VHF: 174 - 240
UHF: 470 - 862
LTE filter MHz Automatic selection: 694, 790 or OFF
Entry level dBµV
FM: 37 - 77
VHF: 40 ** - 109
UHF: 40 ** - 109
FM output power (60dB / IM3) dBµV 113
VHF / UHF output power (60dB / IM3) dBµV 115
VHF / UHF output power with 1 MUX dBµV 108
VHF / UHF output power with 6 MUX dBµV 108
Conversion - Yes (from any VHF-UHF channel to any VHF-UHF channel)
I earn dB
FM: 35
VHF:> 65
UHF:> 65
Gain adjustment dB
FM: 20
General attenuator dB 20
Slope adjustment dB 9
Selectivity dB / 1MHz 35
WED Exit dB
VHF: 35
UHF: 35
ESD protection - All inputs

Remote power supply



12 or 24

100 (total for the 4 inputs)

SD port - Yes (for configuration copy)
Operating temperatures ° C -5 to +50
100 - 240
Dimensions mm 217 x 165 x 59
Weight kg 0.8

For more information see the attached user manual

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