Brand: Televes

Televes V Zenit UHF antenna (LTE700 - 5G)

Product Code: 581V-ZENIT-5G

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €67.96 €82.9112
1 Promo €47.572 €58.03784
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Televes UHF V Zenit Antenna

The VZenit antenna has a "V" type structure: made up of two vertically superimposed Yagis, it allows to reach a good compromise between gain and compactness.
For UHF reception, it incorporates a filter with a high cut in the band for channels above 48, without affecting the flatness of the frequency response of the band for passing channels (21-48). This makes it suitable for the 2nd Digital Dividend (LTE700).


  • Fast and safe reflector assembly system
  • Mechanically very robust, with an exceptional behavior against vibrations
  • Compact: good relationship between length and gain
  • Flatness for the frequency response of the UHF band


  • Made of aluminum (stainless), for long life, and ABS for excellent weather resistance
  • The pole fixing system is made of Zamak to ensure strength and stability and to cope with adverse weather conditions
  • Designed and manufactured in Europe, they undergo strict quality controls
  • Incorporate the balun into the connection box for better impedance matching

Technical features

  • Band: UHF
  • Frequency range: 470 - 698MHz
  • Channels: 21 - 48
  • Gain: 15 dBi
  • A / D ratio:> 23 dB
  • Wind load (@ 130Km / h): 93 N
  • Wind load (@ 150Km / h): 128 N
  • Pole diameter: 20 - 50 mm
Televes V Zenit Frequencies Diagram
Product codes: 149221, 149222, V Zenit, Zenit V

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