Brand: Weller

Promo Weller WXMP MS Set Micro Soldering Iron WXMP MS with RTM013SMS (RT3MS) tip and WSR200 holder T0052923499

Product Code: 520WXMPMSSET

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €322.00 €392.84
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Weller WXMP MS SET T0052923499

Promo Soldering Stylus Set for RT Micro MS tips (MIL Spec) with WSR200 safety holder

In the electronics, medical technology and aerospace industries, production is getting faster, with increasingly minute, delicate, complex and powerful components. And the same happens in the welding sector. With Weller RT MS tips, these most demanding requirements are met and maximum protection is guaranteed for the printed circuit board and the component being soldered. Excellent results are achieved with MS tips while keeping the operating cost as low as possible. Weller MS (Military Standard) soldering tips with active tip technology are fully compliant with IPC industry standards
(IPC - TM-650 2.5.33 Measurement of electrical overstress caused by manual welding tools) and to MIL-SPEC standards.
To expand the Weller WX workbench with a micro-welding tool.

  • For standard and micro applications
  • Component size from M to L
  • Extremely fast heating: 5 sec.
  • In accordance with the military standard
  • Active soldering tips three times awarded
  • The tip can be changed quickly and easily
  • Excellent heat transfer
  • Excellent reaction time
  • RT soldering tips can be replaced quickly and easily

Scope of supply

  • WXMP MS 12V intelligent micro-welder, max. 55W with RTM013SMS active tip (RT 3 MS)
  • WSR 200 security support
  • Instructions for Use

Product codes: WXMP MS SET, T0052923499, 4003019444472

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