Brand: Humax

Tivùsat 4K Humax CAM module with card

Product Code: 584CAM-TIVUSAT-4K

Inventory Status: out of stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €102.61 €125.1842
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

HUMAX CAM Tivùsat 4K Ultra HD with Card

The Tivùsat 4K Ultra HD HUMAX CAM is a Conditional Access Module (CAM) which, together with the tivù sat smartcard, once inserted into a television or decoder equipped with a CI slot, allows the viewing of free television programs and coded (encrypted) of the satellite platform tivù sat

The Tivùsat 4K Ultra HD HUMAX CAM has been designed to decrypt the services available on the free satellite tivù sat platform. Operation with other television platforms has not been verified.

  • Tivùsat smartcard included, to be activated via the call center or on the tivusat website
  • Allows viewing of 4k ultra hd programs present on tivùsat
  • To watch all sd-hd channels present on tivùsat
  • Many national and international channels, with the highest satellite quality, without any monthly subscription
  • Satellite dish is required, hot bird 13 ° - same orientation as sky
  • Ideal for those with digital terrestrial signal problems
  • Requires tivùsat 4k ultra hd or lativù certified tv

Check here the current availability of channels broadcast in high definition on the satellite TV platform.

Through this module it is possible to take advantage of the encoded television offers, directly through your television or decoder equipped with a CI slot.

Product Code: 8809095669688

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