Brand: WD40

WD40 500ml multifunction deoxidizing lubricant spray

Product Code: 570WD40-500

Inventory Status: out of stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €9.2352 €11.266944
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation



Born in America almost 60 years ago to meet the particular needs of the American aerospace agency (NASA), it was placed on the traditional market at the end of the 1950s. Today it is used for the most varied uses, automotive, industrial aeronautics, electrical, electronic, model making .


A great idea! Combining the right things: precision spraying and wide-ranging vaporization. Two actions joined together in the new and exclusive double position spray WD-40 500 ml. Just lose the red straw just when we needed it to spray the right amount of WD-40 or to reach a hard-to-access spot. Just store the can without the cap, because it is gone or broken. Anything that could have been uncomfortable has become easy: now, with a touch, you can switch from large surface lubrication to targeted and precise lubrication or vice versa.

One product for infinite solutions!

  1. Water repellent : The high adhesion of WD-40® to metal allows the formation of a perfect barrier against humidity. WD-40® infiltrates under the humidity and completely covers any surface, even those with micro irregularities. This is how the WD-40® quickly eliminates short circuits from moisture.

  1. Anticorrosive : The film formed by WD-40® guarantees protection against water, humidity, frost and related corrosive effects. WD-40® protects against oxidation and any form of corrosion even in the most critical conditions. This action is lasting and preventive.

  1. Lubricant : One of the main components of WD-40® is an active and permanent lubricant. WD-40® does not contain silicone, lanolin or additives that can attract dust or dirt. The mechanisms are perfectly lubricated in a clean way.

  1. Cleaner : WD-40® easily removes grease, tar, glue, etc. stains. from any non-porous surface. WD-40® penetrates under the dirt eliminating it, without leaving residues of corrosive agents. WD-40® can be used on all metal and plastic surfaces.

  1. Unlocking : WD-40® unlocks seized parts and rusted, stuck or frozen mechanisms. The adherence to metal of WD-40® allows it to penetrate very quickly by capillarity into the minimum porosities of the metal, thus crossing rust and corrosive layer. The lubricating properties of WD-40® then ensure the constant operation of the unlocked parts.

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