Brand: Weller

WellerFT Zero Smog TL Kit 2 Fume Extraction System for two stations FT91017699N

Product Code: 520FT91017699

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €1,233.00 €1,504.26
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

WellerFT Zero Smog TL Kit 2 Fume Extraction System for two workstations cod. FT91017699

WellerFT Zero Smog TL introduces a further step forward in filtering quality of welding and rework fumes. Compared to ZeroSmog 2, of which it maintains the characteristics that distinguish it such as the low noise level thanks to the brushless turbine, to a filter with a high filtering surface for a high longevity of use, and to the quick replacement of the same, Zero Smog TL uses filters with a higher filtering class, p re-filter for fine dust F7 (against prefilter for medium M5 powders ZeroSmog2) and f ilter main H13 (H12 in ZeroSmog2).

As can be seen from the image below, the passage from an M5 to an F7 filter involves a considerable increase in the filtering capacity by reducing the size of the intercepted dust by 10 times, which pass from about 100 microns to 10 microns.

classificazione polveri aspiranti


  • Extractor for use in up to 2 workstations
  • Particularly low noise level
  • Portable vacuum cleaner for flexible placement immediately under or next to the workstation
  • Simple filter replacement
  • Audiovisual filter alarm
  • Quick and easy installation thanks to the Easy-Click system
  • Variable volume flow setting
  • Activated carbon foam filter for effective gas purification
  • High quality CE fan, maintenance free

WellerFT ZeroSmog TL maintains the same excellent characteristics of ZeroSmog 2: high suction power and delivery, maintenance-free turbine, filters with large exchange surface and easy to maintain

Maximum vacuum: 3000 Pa, maximum flow rate: 190 m3 / h
Large filter surface for long maintenance intervals
High quality brushless turbine, maintenance free

Technical data

  • Dimensions: 335 x 330 x 445 mm
  • Weight: 9 kg
  • Mains voltage 230 V, 50 Hz
  • Noise: <50 dB (A)
  • Power consumption: 120 W
  • Max vacuum: 3,000 Pa
  • Max flow rate: 190 m3 / h
  • Pre-filter: fine dust F7
  • Compact filter: H13 particulate filter and gas filter (10% activated carbon foam)
  • Particle filtration according to MPPS> 99.95%

WellerFT Zero Smog TL Kit 1 cod. FT91017699 is equipped with everything needed to set up two workstations in a few minutes

  • Zero Smog ® TL Aspirator
  • 2 x 0F15 extraction arms, flexible and adjustable 1,5m ø 60mm
  • 2 x ALFA funnel shaped nozzle
  • Remote control switch
  • 2 x attachment systems for the extraction arm

How to replace the filter and pre-filter in Weller FT vacuum systems

Why Weller FT: the consequences of non-filtration of processing fumes

Product codes: FT91017699, FT91017699N, 4003019438754

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