Brand: Weller

Weller Flowinsmart WTSF80 Soldering Iron with Automatic Solder Feeder

Product Code: 520WTSF80

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €1,253.00 €1,528.66
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Weller WTSF80
Soldering Iron with Automatic Solder Feeder

The Weller WTSF80 unit allows traditional Weller stations to automatically bring you the necessary solder directly on the welding point. This "extra hand" allows you to achieve perfect welding results. The quantity of alloy to be used for each single operation can be set by means of a preselection, guaranteeing a correct, homogeneous, punctual and above all repeatable contribution, in accordance with the requirements of the welding processes and avoiding unnecessary waste.

Main features

  • Effective one-handed welding
  • Very precise alloy wire self-feeding system, for the best welding quality
  • Inner surface of the feed tube with non-stick treatment
  • The amount of solder can be pre-selected for precise material deposition
  • Timer or pulse operating mode

Technical features

  • Total weight (without alloy): 680 grams
  • Maximum weight of the spool: 1 Kg
  • Possible alloy diameters: 0.5 mm to 1 mm
  • Standard diameter: 0.8mm
  • Maximum reel size: 1 kg
  • Alloy feed adjustment: 1 mm/s - 27.5 mm/s

Compatible with Weller WD1, WD1M, WS81, WSD81, WSD81i, WSD121, WR2, WR3M, WR2000, WR3000, PU81, PUD81 units

Weller product number: 51390699, 051390699, 0051390699, T0051390699, WTSF120

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