Brand: Weller

Weller WLBUK75 Portable Gas Soldering Iron Kit with Accessories

Product Code: 520WLBUK75

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €133.00 €162.26
1 Promo €106.40 €129.808
3 5% €101.08 €123.3176
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Weller WLBUK75 Cordless Soldering Iron Kit 25W-75W and Hot Air Powered by Butane (butane not included)

Weld wherever you want and without limits of movement with the Weller hot air welder. Butane and 25W-75W ensure continuous and uninterrupted welding. With quick and easy butane refills, a wide range of tips, automatic shutdown and the ability to convert to hot air / torch applications, it's the perfect tool for every welding need.
  • Weld where you want and without movement limits
    For skillfully soldering anywhere, anytime, without the need for cables and electrical sockets
  • Reduction of downtime
    Butane gas recharges in less than 20 seconds; the system is equipped with a practical inspection window and a design for fast charging
  • Continuous welding without interruptions
    The butane gas tank allows continuous use for up to 60 minutes
  • Conversion to torch
    The system easily converts for hot air / torch applications
  • Various tips for multiple applications
    Comes with a wide range of single or double flat tips for different welding and hot air / torch applications and techniques
  • Tool-free bit replacement
    The ability to change the tips without tools saves time and effort
  • Protection for operators and workplace
    The soldering iron automatically switches off in the "lock" position when the cap is closed
  • Compact and easy to carry
    The included portable case protects your butane soldering iron during transport in your movements
Weller WLBUK75 Portable Gas Soldering Iron Kit with Accessories
Weller WLBUK75 Portable Gas Soldering Iron Kit with Accessories
Weller WLBUK75 Portable Gas Soldering Iron Kit with Accessories
Weller WLBUK75 Portable Gas Soldering Iron Kit with Accessories

The kit includes:

Protective case, 25-75W soldering iron, PPT9 hot air nozzle, PPT10 hot knife tip, PPT11 heat shrink baffle, PPT12 flame tip, sponge and holder, safety cap and operating instructions
Weller WLBUK75 Portable Gas Soldering Iron Kit with Accessories
Product codes: 037103346100, WLBUK75, 4003019445332

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