Brand: Weller

Weller WSP80 Soldering Iron 80 Watt T0052916199N

Product Code: 520WSP80

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €196.00 €239.12
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Weller WSP80 Soldering Stylus 80 Watt

The heating element built into the WSP 80 stylus ensures better heat transfer at the tip without dispersion.
As a result, Weller patented LT tips have a 10% faster temperature recovery time than the traditional one.
This guarantees minimal heat loss when welding on large masses or in case of repetitive welding.
Ideal for production lines where the welding process is continuous and where a power of at least 80 Watts is required.
A robust and reliable product for both lead free and tin lead alloys.
It uses the tips of the LT series which with their wide range of choice allows you to find the most suitable tip for every working need.
Tip supplied with the WSP80 soldering iron: LTB tip with 2.4mm screwdriver slot.

Product codes: WSP80. WSP 80, 4003019015788, T0052916199N

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