Brand: Weller

Weller WXHAP200 SET 200 Watt Hot Air Soldering Iron with Support WDH 30 - T0052712099N

Product Code: 520WXHAP200SET

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €407.00 €496.54
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Weller WXHAP200 SET Hot Air Stylus with Safety Holder

Air / hot gas soldering iron particularly suitable for soldering and desoldering of SMD components. Guarantees ion-free hot gas flow. The flow is activated by pressing a microswitch ergonomically positioned on the stylus grip. It can be used with the following Weller units: WXA2, WXR3 and the WXR3030, WX3031, WXA2010 sets.

The WDH30 safety support with WDC dry cleaning system, a 3mm R06 nozzle and a 1.2mm R04 nozzle is supplied.

Main features

Product codes: T0052712099N , T0052712099 , 0052712099 , WXHAP 200 SET, WXHAP200 SET, 4003019430253, 037103304209, B00UM65FMK

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