Brand: Weller

Weller WXP90 Soldering Stylus 90 Watt T0052922499N

Product Code: 520WXP90

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €284.00 €346.48
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation


The Weller WXP90 Stylus combines small size with improved performance over its predecessors, resulting in up to 7 times faster heating and heat transmission than the WSP80 and WP80 styluses. The heating element ( resistance ) can be quickly replaced thanks to the presence of the connector and a tool-free quick release system.

The stylus incorporates an accelerometer capable of detecting actual use and automatically putting the tool on stand-by during breaks.

The stylus can use both the XNT series tips (the same ones used by the WP65 and WXP65 styluses) guaranteeing a low cost of use, and the new THM "High Mass" or XH High Mass tips which are more performing and quicker to reach the temperature, thanks to the larger contact surface with the heating element and without the need for the classic "tip retaining tube".


    • Model: WXP90
    • Power: 90W/24V
    • Compatibility: Weller WX1, WX2, WXD2, WXA, WXR3 drives
    • Compatible tips: XNT series with tip retaining tube, XH series with tip retaining tube T0058768779 , THM series (without tip retaining tube)
    • Tip supplied: XNT A (1.6x0.4 mm) with tip retaining tube code T0058768724

Product Codes: T0052922499N , WXP90, WXP 90

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