Brand: Testo

2 air speed combo kit testo 440 delta P with Bluetooth

Product Code: 5600536-4410

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €1,649.00 €2,011.78
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

The testo 440 delta P 2 combo kit for air speed with Bluetooth in detail

Measurements without annoying cables thanks to the universal Bluetooth handle: with this practical kit you will be able to carry out all the measurements in the ventilation duct and in the vicinity of the ventilation openings. The testo 440 dP multifunctional instrument, the vane probe, the 16 mm vane probe tip as well as the thermohygrometric probe tip are distinguished by their intelligent calibration system, unbeatable ease of use and maximum comfort when adjusting ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Text 440 dP Environmental measures instrument

testo 440 dP - Instrument for environmental measurements with differential pressure sensor

  • Intuitive operation: Clearly structured measurement menu for volume flow, degree of turbulence, cooling / heat output, mold growth and long-term measurements such as e.g. CO2
  • Wireless: Bluetooth® probes for greater comfort when measuring and less cable tangles in the carrying case (probes can be ordered separately)
Combination case for testo 440 and probes

Combination case for testo 440 and probes

  • Carrying case for the testo 440 or testo 440 dP environmental measuring instrument and probes
  • Dimensions: 516 x 135 x 256 mm (W x H x W)
Vane probe (Ø 100 mm, digital) with Bluetooth® including temperature sensor Vane probe (Ø 100 mm) digital - Bluetooth with temperature sensor
16 mm propeller probe tip with temperature sensor

Vane probe (Ø 100 mm) digital - Bluetooth with temperature sensor

  • Intuitive operation: Clearly structured measurement menu for volume flow and for simultaneously measuring air velocity, volume flow and air temperature
  • Accuracy: precise results even in the presence of turbulent currents, with the optional funnel kit (anemometric cones) and volumetric flow detector

16 mm propeller probe tip with temperature sensor

  • Intuitive use: to simultaneously measure air velocity, volume flow and temperature
  • Accuracy: precise measurement results from +0.6 to +50 m / s

Tip thermohygrometric probe
Extendable telescopic rod (up to 1 m in length) for anemometric probes

Tip thermohygrometric probe

  • Intuitive use: to simultaneously measure relative humidity and indoor air temperature, incl. long-term measures
  • Accuracy: accuracy ± 2% RH / ± 0.5 ° C; measuring range: 0… 100% RH / -20… +70 ° C

Extendable telescopic rod (up to 1 m in length) for anemometric probes

  • When fully extended, the telescopic rod has a length of 1.0m
  • The graduated scale is clearly legible and allows you to measure comfortably in the ventilation duct

Contents of the supply

  • Testo 440 dP multifunctional instrument for environmental measurements with differential pressure sensor, connection hose, 3 AA batteries, USB cable and calibration protocol (0560 4402)
  • Vane probe (Ø 100 mm) Bluetooth with temperature sensor (consisting of tip with 100 mm vane probe, adapter for handle and Bluetooth handle); support for measuring funnel (anemometric cone) testovent; 4 AA batteries and test protocol (0635 9431)
  • Tip with 16 mm vane probe, with temperature sensor and test protocol (0635 9570)
  • Tip with thermohygrometric probe (Ø 12 mm) incl. acceptance protocol (0636 9730)
  • Telescopic rod (length up to 1 m) for flow probes with universal handle, incl. 90 ° square (0554 0960)
  • Combination case for testo 440 and various probes (0516 4401)

Product codes: Testo 440dP, 0563 4410, 4029547019456

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