Brand: Fluke

Fluke 805 FC Vibration Meter - Total Vibration Meter

Product Code: 560805FC

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €2,634.00 €3,213.48
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fluke 805 FC Vibration Meter - Overall Vibration Meter

Fluke 805 FC is a reliable and accurate meter that allows you to assess the health of mechanical systems, helping maintainers make the best decision during maintenance activities. The Fluke 805 FC Vibration Meter is the most reliable vibration analyzer for first-time mechanical troubleshooting personnel who need to rely on repeatable readings, classified according to the severity of overall vibration and bearing condition.

What makes the FLUKE 805 FC the most reliable vibration analysis device on the market today?

  • The sensor's innovative design minimizes measurement variations caused by device angle or contact pressure
  • Consistent data quality at both high and low frequency ranges
  • A four-level severity scale highlights the urgency of issues relating to general vibration and bearing condition
  • Ability to export data via USB
  • Trend determination in Microsoft® Excel using pre-set templates
  • Total vibration measurement (10Hz to 1,000Hz) for acceleration, speed and misalignment units for a wide range of machines
  • Crest Factor + technology provides reliable bearing assessment using direct sensor tip measurements between 4,000Hz and 20,000Hz
  • Comparison of vibration levels with ISO-10816 severity scales and storage of results in Fluke Connect Cloud
  • Instantly get permission to take next action if machine condition is at risk via Fluke Connect® ShareLive ™ video call
  • The color lighting system (green, red) and the on-screen comments indicate which pressure to apply to make the measurements
  • The temperature measurement with the infrared sensor with light index increases the diagnostic capability
  • The integrated memory can hold and store up to 3,500 measurements
  • Support for external accelerometer for hard to reach places
  • Flashlight to see the measurement points in dark areas
  • Large, high-resolution display for easy navigation and viewing Insert your text here

The supply includes:

805 FC Vibration Meter, USB cable, carrying case, protective belt shell, quick reference guide, CD-ROM (includes documentation and templates for MS Excel) and four AA batteries.

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