Brand: Fluke

Fluke Ti480 PRO Thermal Camera with Autofocus Multisharp

Product Code: 560TI480PRO

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €13,418.00 €16,369.96
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fluke presents the new Ti480 PRO thermal imaging camera evolution of the best seller Ti450 which, thanks to multiple improvements such as the totally revised user interface and the greater thermal sensitivity combined with the sharper display, offers an unprecedented infrared visual experience.


  • Greater sensitivity to display temperature differences, NETD value for Ti480 PRO ≤ 0.5 *C at a target temperature of 30 °C (25 mK)
  • Easier visualization and diagnosis thanks to even sharper screen images, multiple rectangular markers and 9 color palettes
  • More intuitive visual interface, with improved user-proven touch screen interface
  • Greater flexibility in viewing subjects, large and small, with interchangeable smart lenses; lens compatibility with 2x and 4x telephoto, wide angle and macro without the need for additional calibrations
  • Capture clear, precise and always in focus images across the entire field of view with MultiSharp™ Focus
  • An image of the subject immediately in focus. LaserSharp® Auto Focus uses a built-in laser distance meter that calculates and displays the distance to the designated inspection point with pinpoint accuracy
  • 4x the number of pixels with SuperResolution, which captures multiple images and stitches them together to create a single 640 x 480 image
  • Save time - wirelessly sync images directly from the camera to the Fluke Connect® system, with the ability to attach them to an archive or work order
  • You no longer need to take notes in the field, thanks to two useful features; IR-PhotoNotes™ and voice annotations


The increased sensitivity of the camera's internal sensor helps detect even small differences in surface temperature, making it easier to view results. With improved measurement accuracy and wider dynamic temperature range up to 1500°C with 50 mK NETD, you can gather accurate information to make informed decisions that can improve your company's return on investment (ROI) .


The improvements made to the firmware of Fluke Ti480 and Ti450 PRO have allowed to obtain even more defined infrared images, with more evident color differences and therefore a more marked visual indicator of temperature differentials. PRO Series thermal imaging cameras show deviations from standard temperatures and reveal problems to the team via Delta-T (ΔT) markers. This will make it possible to identify and analyze temperature-related problems with greater certainty.

Previous screen sharpness (left) compared to new sharper images (right)


The new interface of the Ti480 PRO, touch screen, improved and tested by users, is now faster and easier to use . The display comes in a more modern design, with several rectangular markers inside the camera. This helps operators quickly identify the min/max temperatures for an area of an equipment or set of equipment.

To further improve visualization, the thermal imaging cameras have a new palette and wider color gamut in yellow and gray tones to help distinguish differences in heat.


The Fluke PRO Series Ti480 PRO and Ti450 PRO infrared cameras are now compatible with more Fluke Smart Lenses.

Regardless of the type of lens required for thermal inspection, macro, telephoto or wide angle, you can fix the required lens to best analyze the subject.

Fluke Smart Lenses are interchangeable with other compatible thermal imaging cameras without requiring re-calibration.

  • Now compatible with all infrared smart lenses
  • Macro, telephoto and wide angle, to analyze any subject, from the smallest to the largest
  • Fluke Smart Lenses are interchangeable with other compatible cameras without re-calibration
  • Compatible with macro, wide angle and telephoto smart lenses


Thanks to the Fluke Connect® App it is possible to connect the thermal imager to a table or smartphone and synchronize, share images and data directly on the cloud with the possibility for colleagues or collaborators to access the data/images simultaneously even from different places.
Another very interesting function is the possibility of transmitting live what is displayed on the thermal imaging camera display to your smartphone or PC and remotely control the thermal imaging camera.
The Fluke Connect Apps for Android and Apple iOS are free to download from Google Play and the App Store.

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