Brand: Fluke

Fluke TiX580 Thermal Imager 640x480 (1280x960) with Autofocus

Product Code: 560TIX580

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €18,080.00 €22,057.60
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fluke TiX580 thermal imaging camera

The Fluke TiX580 thermal imaging camera integrates several unique technological solutions. A sensitive 5.7-inch touchscreen LCD display and 180° rotatable lens make even the toughest shots easy. The high quality images, guaranteed by the vanadium oxide microbolometric sensor (standard 640 x 480 pixels) can be implemented thanks to the SuperResolution mode , quadrupling the number of pixels (1280 x 960). LaserSharp® Auto Focus - using precision laser technology, focus the target with pinpoint accuracy and get the correct image and temperature measurements you need. Built-in laser distance meter - calculates the distance to your designated target up to 30 meters and displays the distance on the image. Enables quick and easy field analysis with IR-Fusion® technology and advanced touchscreen features such as stepless level and span adjustment or filter mode for improved thermal sensitivity. The possibility of modifying the image after acquisition allows you to act on:

    • Emissivity
    • Background temperature
    • Transmissivity
    • Colors
    • Color alarms
    • IR Fusion
    • Enable/disable markers

On top of all this, the TiX580 can connect to the largest network of wireless test and measurement tools thanks to the Fluke Connect™ system, take temperature measurements up to 800 °C, and can be combined with optional wide-angle and telephoto lenses that easily install on the field.

Standard equipment

  • Thermal imaging camera with standard infrared lens
  • AC adapter and battery pack charger (including universal AC adapters)
  • Two lithium ion battery packs
  • USB cable
  • HDMI video cable
  • Bluetooth headset (where available)
  • Hard carrying case
  • Adjustable shoulder strap and carrying strap
  • Flash drive with SmartView® software and user manuals
  • Warranty Registration Card and Calibration Certificate

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