Brand: Optris

System with Optris Pi450i Thermal Camera for Body Temperature Detection

Product Code: 560PI450-FV

Inventory Status: discontinued

Optris body temperature detection system

The Optris Pi450i thermal imaging camera is a thermal imaging camera with a high thermal sensitivity (40 mK) that can be well adapted to the purpose of detecting body temperature. The focus is manual and the operating software is the same widely used with all Optris thermal imaging cameras, and allows you to activate alarms with photos and relay outputs on industrial PIF, highlight temperatures above a certain threshold and set an area within the field of view, as a reference value, in order to send more accurate temperatures to the PIXConnect software.

The optics used are the 29° x 22° which provide the following fields of view at 1 meter and 2 meters respectively:

The measurement can be done by activating a hot spot or an area with the search for the maximum on the lacrimal duct as shown below:

System details:

OPTRIS PI450i LT cod. OPTPI45ILT O29 T010 Thermal imaging camera with high resolution and high thermal sensitivity

  • Thermal Sensitivity (NETD) of 40 mK
  • Optical resolution 382x288 Pixel
  • Spectral range 7.5 - 13 micrometres
  • Frame rate 80Hz / 27Hz
  • Measurement range from -20° to 100°C
  • Calibration certificate included with reference temperature at 35°C
  • O29 29° x 22° lens/ f=12.7mm
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • USB cable Length 1 m included
  • USB powered
  • PIxConnect software package
  • Table tripod easel
  • Ultra compact dimensions 46 x 45 x 68 - 77 mm
  • IP67 degree of protection
  • Custody

OPTRIS usb cable for PI cameras cod. ACPIUSB5PCB5

  • 5 Meter USB cable

OPTRIS industrial process interface for PI / Xi400 cod. ACPIPIFMA CB5

  • IP65 connection box
  • Insulation voltage between PI and process: 500 VACRMS
  • 2 analog inputs 0 – 10 V, digital input (max. 24 V)
  • 3 analog outputs 0/4-20mA
  • 3 x alarm relays (0 – 30V/ 400mA), fail-safe relays
  • 5 meter cable

More information is available in the product datasheet.

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