Brand: PCWork

PCWork PCW05A TRMS AC / DC 600A Clamp Multimeter with NCV, capacitance and frequency

Product Code: 560PCW05A

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €60.975 €74.3895
1 Promo €54.8775 €66.95055
3 5% €52.13363 €63.603029
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

PCWork PCW05A 600A TRMS AC/DC Clamp Meter with NCV, Capacitance and Frequency

PCW05A will become your definitive clamp multimeter thanks to its completeness and unbeatable value for money. In the dimensions of a classic AC current clamp, numerous functions are included that will make the happiness of every maintenance technician and industrial technician but also of the demanding hobbyist. The jaws with 25mm opening allow the measurement of both AC and DC current up to 600A while the bushings located on the lower part in which to insert the supplied test leads allow the measurement of AC and DC voltages up to 600V, in addition to resistance measurements up to 60MΩ, capacitance up to 100mF, frequency and temperature. The clamp is also equipped with a low pass filter (LPF) which allows the device to filter out interfering signals above 60Hz which could lead to inaccurate measurement results.
The LowZ function allows you to measure AC voltages with a lower impedance (about 300 kΩ) in order to reduce the possibility of erroneous readings due to "phantom" voltages. PCW05A also features thermocouple temperature measurement, non-contact voltage detector (NCV) and LED torch for lighting the work area.

Main features

  • perfect for demanding professionals and hobbyists
  • safety CAT III 600V; measures up to 600A of AC/DC current
  • 6000 digit resolution display, True RMS measurement and automatic range selection
  • clamp opening: 25mm
  • AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, frequency, duty cycle and temperature measurement
  • NCV (non-contact voltage detection), continuity and diode test
  • Two-color LCD display (changes color to orange when high currents/voltages are measured).
  • LPF (low pass filter), LowZ (low input impedance) and DCA ZERO (zero correction) function
  • data hold function with Max/Min function
  • LED work light and compact size
  • the small size makes it easy to carry but above all comfortable to use
  • usable with one hand: the off-centre selector can be operated with the thumb


  • PCW05A current clamp
  • high quality tips
  • temperature probe
  • batteries
  • soft bag


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