Fracarro Teatro '35DT EVO Dual IR and Microwave Curtain Detector
Product Code: 680TEATRO35DT-EVO
PIR and MW indoor curtain detector with curtain effect for doors and windows cod. 910438, EAN: 8016978100996
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Wireless IR curtain detector sensor for doors and windows Fracarro TEATRO B-WL 910401
Product Code: 680TEATROB-WL
Sensore effetto tenda wireless per la protezione di accessi come porte e finestre. Portata radio in spazi aperti fino a 300 metri. Involucro di colore bianco.
Codici Prodotto: TEATRÒ B-WL, 910401, 8016978095636
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DT WIN WIRED White Indoor Curtain Sensor
Product Code: 680P1200900
Dual technology sensor (IR + MW) wired with curtain cover, for indoor use in white color. Product codes: DT WIN WIRED W, P1200900
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DT WIN WIRED Brown Indoor Curtain Sensor
Product Code: 680P1200901
Dual technology sensor (IR + MW) wired with curtain cover, for indoor use in white color. Product codes: DT WIN WIRED B, P1200901
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Pess DT WIN RF White Indoor Curtain Radio Sensor
Product Code: 680P1500032
FLYK indoor curtain radio detector Pess DT WIN RF White. Product codes: DT WIN RF WHwitITE, P1500032
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Pess DT WIN RF Brown Indoor Curtain Radio Sensor
Product Code: 680P1500033
FLYK indoor curtain radio detector Pess DT WIN RF Brown. Product codes: DT WIN RF BROWN, P1500033
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