Brand: Strong

Strong SRT7807 Tivusat HD Decoder with Tivùsat Card

Product Code: 584SRT7807

Inventory Status: out of stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €122.40 €149.328
1 Promo €91.80 €111.996
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

SRT 7807 Tivusat

The SRT 7807 offers you a rich home entertainment experience with clear HD pictures, a cinematic experience with surround sound and the convenience of other great features. Tivùsat, the Italian Free-to-Air satellite platform for national DTH channels, offers a wide range of national and international channels, 55 of which are in HD! Accessing tivùsat is easy. All you need is a satellite dish pointed at Eutelsat Hotbird 13° and the tivùsat smartcard, included in the decoder package, which can be activated in a few minutes. In addition, the Media Player functionality makes it possible to play your own content. Scroll through weekly programs with the TV guide for the best entertainment, movies, TV series, documentaries and much more.

Strong SRT7807 HD Tivusat decoder with Tivùsat card

Product overview

  • tivùsat: Over 120 channels, of which 55 in HD, 46 RADIO channels
  • Access via smartcard reader encoded by NagraVision Conditional Access and tivùsat smartcard
  • Free - to - air channels via satellite Eutelsat Hotbird 13°
  • 1x USB port: file playback and software update
  • Ethernet port to connect the decoder to the internet
  • Excellent audio and video quality
  • 8 favorite lists for TV and radio programmes
  • Memory capacity for more than 3000 channels
Contents: SRT7807 receiver, remote control, battery, power supply; Tivùsat Smartcard.
Product codes: SRT7807, 9120072372506

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