Brand: Elco

XORO HRS8830 Tivusat HD Satellite Decoder Receiver with Tivùsat Card

Product Code: 584HRS8830

Inventory Status: out of stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €114.597 €139.80834
1 Promo €93.62575 €114.223415
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

XORO HRS 8830 HD Satellite Receiver with TIVÙSAT

XORO HRS8830 Tivusat HD Satellite Decoder Receiver with Tivùsat Card
Xoro HRS 8830 is the new generation tivùsat classic HD certified decoder with an attractive design, with a large display on the front panel. Seeing all tivùsat channels and all free satellite channels has never been easier.
With Xoro HRS 8830 you can finally say goodbye to digital terrestrial television signal reception problems. Thanks to the channels are broadcast via satellite, so they are receivable everywhere.
The guided installation, the simplified menu and the large display on the front panel make XORO HRS 8830 the ideal decoder for those who want to watch in high definition and in a simple way.
XORO HRS8830 Tivusat HD Satellite Decoder Receiver with Tivùsat Card
Furthermore, with the 2in1 remote control, you can control both the decoder and the TV with just one remote control. Movies or photos on USB stick or harddisk? No problem thanks to the integrated media player.
The 12V power supply makes XORO HRS 8830 also ideal for camping and boats. HD tivùsat smartcard included in the package.

XORO HRS8830 Tivusat HD Satellite Decoder Receiver with Tivùsat Card
XORO HRS8830 Tivusat HD Satellite Decoder Receiver with Tivùsat Card
Technical specifications
  • Full HD – supports HD resolution up to 1920 x 1080p
  • Frequency range: 915 ... 2150 MHz
  • SCR: Unicable 1/2 dCSS
  • USB Mediaplayer to play photos, movies and music
  • Software update via USB
  • OSD languages: Italian, English
  • Power supply: 12 V DC / 100 ... 240 AC
  • 1xHDMI
  • 1x 3.5mm jack
  • 1x Ethernet 10/100 (RJ45)
  • 1x S/PDIF digital audio output
  • 1x USB 2.0
  • 1x F-female input
  • 1x Smartcard reader (Nagra)
Packaging content
  • XORO HRS 8830
  • Smartcard tivusat classic HD
  • 2 in 1 remote control with basic function for TV
  • SCART adapter
  • External power supply DC 12V / 1,5A, 100...240V AC
  • User manual
XORO HRS8830 Tivusat HD Satellite Decoder Receiver with Tivùsat Card
Product Codes: 4260427613382, HRS 8830, B08PW2CGBH, HRS8830

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