Brand: Weller

Weller WHP1000 Contact preheating plate 1000 Watt T0053364899N

Product Code: 520WHP1000

Inventory Status: on order
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €1,956.00 €2,386.32
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

WHP1000 1000 Watt contact pre-heating plate

Preheating area 220mm x 150mm Weller

From Weller® WHP 1000 a versatile solution for preheating

  • WHP 1000 is a preheating plate of 1000W/230V particularly suitable for silicon cells, as well as ceramic or glass-nite printed circuits....
  • WHP 1000 allows the printed circuit to correctly reach the working temperatures, ensuring welding operations without the risk of thermal damage to the printed circuit and to the components themselves.
  • The heated surface is 220 x 150 mm with uniform heat distribution. Four 250W heating elements allow you to preheat any electronic assembly in any way you want.
  • The digital control electronics allow precise adjustments of temperatures from 50 to 300°C and makes functions such as “Auto Off” and temperature “Standby” available. The selected or actual temperatures can be shown on the display.
  • Using an isolated type “K” thermocouple (optional external sensor), it is possible to display the actual temperature of each specific zone of the printed circuit board.
  • It is also equipped with a serial socket type RS232 interface to be integrated with hot air rework units type WHA 3000 P or V or with the WX Series.
  • WHP 1000 is the best and most compact bench top solution for preheating.
  • The external structure in stainless steel is totally ESD compliant.

Technical features

  • Dimensions (W x L x H): 254 x 280 x 70 mm
  • Plate (W x L): 150 x 220 mm
  • Power supply: 230V / 50Hz
  • Power: 1,000W
  • Temperature setting: 50°C – 300°C (150°F – 570°F)
  • Protection class: 1

Manufacturer Code: T0053364899, T0053364899N

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