Brand: Weller

WLIWBK2523C Weller Pyrograph 25W 230V kit with 15 accessories

Product Code: 520WLIWBK2523C

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €35.00 €42.70
1 Promo €28.00 €34.16
3 5% €26.60 €32.452
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

WLIWBK2523C Weller Pyrograph 25W 230V kit with 15 accessories

Ready for the right inspiration? Our ready-to-use soldering kits to design come with all the essential tools you need and a blueprint to start creating. For pyrography, stained glass decor and electronics, each soldering kit is set up so you can get started in minutes.

  • The Stay-cool handle guarantees better comfort and greater safety for the operator
  • Greater accuracy in machining thanks to the reduced distance between tip and handle
  • Protects your hand from heat for an absolutely comfortable pyrography experience
  • Integrated safety pad supports the welder when not in use, reducing the risk of injury or damage to the work area
  • Easy replacement of the tips, both for wear and for change of application
  • Ideal for both woodworking and leather embossing
  • Wide variety of tips for any need in pyrography projects, both for engraving and cutting, fire marking or embossing


  • WLIWBK2523C Weller Pyrography Tool
  • 3x weft tips,
  • 6x wood drill bits
  • 1x cutting blade
  • Table stand

Product Codes: WLIWBK2523C, 037103345707
Further information in the enclosed instructions for use

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