Brand: Ice

ICE 680R Professional Analog Multimeter

Product Code: 560680R

Inventory Status: out of stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €99.00 €120.78
1 Promo €93.06 €113.5332
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

ICE 680R "Made in Italy" professional analog multimeter

The ICE Analog Multimeter mod. 680R is a high precision professional instrument. This is the model that made history, not only for ICE Strumentazione, but for the entire sector of control and measurement instruments. ICE 680 R is still produced with the same design as when it was made in the sixties, not simply for the sake of industrial archeology but because it would be difficult to find a rational reason for improvement.
ICE 680 R continues to be the image of functionality associated with precision.

  • Large scale (unique in the world) 100 ° with minimal external dimensions of the instrument
  • High accuracy for an analog type multimeter (class 2)
  • Quick use of the ohmmeter (no manual reset required)
  • Wide choice of accessories for particular analogue measurements
  • Tips with ultra-soft silicone cable resistant to heat sources
  • Measurement of low ohmmeter values (down to the tenth of an ohms)
  • Compliant with IEC 1010 CAT. II 750V AC - 1000V DC


20 kΩ / V DC - 4 kΩ / V AC


Volt-Ampère DC
± 2% fs
Volt-Ampère AC
± 2% fs
± 2% of the angular width of the scale


Volt DC
100 mV - 2V - 10V - 50V - 200V - 500V - 1000V
DC Amp
50 μA - 500 μA - 5 mA - 50 mA - 500 mA - 5 A
Volt AC
10V - 50V - 250V - 750V (2500 V with probe model 19 on request)
Ampère AC
250 μA - 2.5 mA - 25 mA - 250 mA - 2.5A
Ωx1 - Ωx10 - Ωx100 - Ωx1000 (measurement range from 0 to 10 MΩ)
22 μF - 220 μF - 2200 μF - 22000 μF (ballistic method measurement)
four-course range (-10 + 62 dB)


continuity test with acoustic signal via buzzer
test diodes and transistors
LED test
test batteries 1,5 Volt (stylus type) and 9 Volt (radio type)
Low Ω test from 0 to 500 Ω


galvanometer with silicon diodes - measurements in Ω with fuse and varistors


9V battery type 6F22


128 x 96 x 35 mm


300 gr


pair of test leads - Low Ω jumper - shockproof case with double bottom for housing the equipment - instruction manual


  • SuperTester ICE 680R "Made in Italy"
  • Coppi Soft tips
  • Shockproof case
  • LowOhm jumper
  • Instructions for Use

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