MC33204P Quad Low Voltage Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers On Semiconductor

Art. #: 230MC33204P

Disponibilità: disponibile
Quantità Prezzo IVA esclusa IVA inclusa*
1 Listino 4,25 € 5,185 €
5 5% 4,0375 € 4,92575 €
10 10% 3,825 € 4,6665 €
* In fase di conferma d'ordine, i prezzi IVA inclusa verranno arrotondati alla seconda cifra decimale in accordo alla normativa vigente

The MC33201/2/4 family of op-amps provides rail-to-rail operation on both the input and output. The inputs can be driven as high as 200mV beyond the supply rails without phase reversal on the outputs, and the output can swing within 50 mV of each rail. This rail-to-rail operation enables the user to make full use of the supply voltage range available. It is designed to work at very low supply voltages ( +/- 0.9 V) yet can operate with a supply of up to +12V and ground. Output current boosting techniques provide a high output current capability while keeping the drain current of the amplifier to a minimum. Also, the combination of low noise and distortion with a high slew rate and drive capability make this an ideal amplifier for audio applications.

Key Features

  • Low Voltage, Single Supply Operation (+1.8 V and Ground to +12 V and Ground)
  • Input Voltage Range Includes both Supply Rails
  • Output Voltage Swings within 50 mV of both Rails
  • No Phase Reversal on the Output for Over-driven Input Signals
  • High Output Current (ISC = 80 mA, Typ)
  • Low Supply Current (ID = 0.9 mA, Typ)
  • 600 Ω Output Drive Capability
  • Extended Operating Temperature Ranges (-40°to +105°C and -55°to +125°C)
  • Typical Gain Bandwidth Product = 2.2 MHz
  • These are Pb-Free Devices

Maggiori informazioni nel datasheet del prodotto.

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