Brand: Fluke

Fluke 378 FC TRMS AC / DC Clamp Meter with Power Quality Function, Fluke Connect and Non-Contact Voltage Measurement

Product Code: 560378FC

Inventory Status: in stock
Quantity Price VAT excluded VAT included
1 Default €842.00 €1,027.24
* During the order confirmation phase, the prices including VAT will be rounded to the second decimal place according to with current legislation

Fluke 378 FC TRMS AC / DC Clamp Meter with Power Quality Function, Fluke Connect and Non-Contact Voltage Measurement

The Fluke 377 FC and 378 FC instruments are the first industrial clamp meters available on the market that allow you to make non-contact voltage measurements accurately, without test leads, using only the jaw of the clamp, resulting in an improvement in safety and productivity. This is possible thanks to the FieldSense technology already used in the T6-600 and T6-100 testers. FieldSense is an innovative and award-winning technology for voltage measurement. While regular clamps detect a magnetic field to get an AC current measurement, FieldSense also detects an electric field to simultaneously measure voltage. The result is that for the first time ever a Fluke clamp meter is able to simultaneously measure voltage and current via the clamp jaw.

  • Possibility to acquire voltage and current measurements simultaneously thanks to a double display
  • Safer voltage measurements without the need to connect the clamp meter to a live conductor
  • Fast three-phase measurements with automatic calculation of phase-to-phase values and phase rotation
  • Power Quality (PQ) indicator built into 378 FC to monitor power related problems
  • Fluke Connect software to enable data logging and simplify data transfer and reporting

Voltage and current measurements with FieldSense ™ technology

Get true RMS current and voltage measurements without any metallic contact with a live conductor using FieldSense ™, a patented Fluke technology. With the Fluke 377 FC TRMS Dual Display Clamp Meter, you can perform faster and safer tests, all without touching live conductors. Get accurate voltage and current measurements with the clamp meter. Simply clip the black test lead to any electrical ground, put the clamp meter around the conductor to view reliable and accurate voltage and current values on the display. For more information on FieldSense technology read the article: Guide to Using FieldSense in 377 FC and 378 FC Clamp Meters

Complete three-phase measurements in quick and easy steps

No more handwritten notes or complicated calculations. Simply attach the jaw to each of the three-phase conductors to obtain a complete set of phase-to-phase current and voltage measurements on the clamp. In addition, phase rotation data is automatically calculated and displayed on Fluke Connect software.

  • Complete 3-phase voltage and current testing in 3 simple steps
  • Complete set of calculated values between phase and earth and between phase and phase
  • Results viewed on smartphone and saved to the cloud via Fluke Connect software
  • Phase rotation calculated and displayed on Fluke Connect software
  • No more handwritten notes or complicated calculations.
  • The power quality indicator shows any equipment or power line faults

The power quality indicator shows any problems in the equipment or in the power line

The 378 FC Clamp Meter allows you to automatically detect any power quality problems. During FieldSense measurements, the 378 FC will detect and display power quality problems related to current, voltage, power factor, or any combination of the three. Now you can quickly determine if there is an upstream power problem or if the problem comes from the equipment.

Record, analyze and share results with Fluke Connect® software

Automatically record all measurements, view the entire set of three-phase measurements at once, collect data history for preventative maintenance, share results and questions with colleagues.

  • Save time and improve the reliability of maintenance data by synchronizing measurements wirelessly with the Fluke Connect system.
  • Eliminate transcription errors by saving measurements directly from the instrument and associating them with the work order, report or inventory reference.
  • Optimize uptime and make informed maintenance decisions with reliable and traceable data.
  • Forget clipboards, laptops and spreadsheets: now you can transfer measurements wirelessly in a single step.
  • Access basic data, history and current measurements for each asset.
  • Share measurement data via ShareLive ™ video calls and email.


  • Fluke 378 FC Clamp Meter
  • TL224 test leads
  • TwistGuard TP175 test probes
  • AC285 Black grounding clip (1 only)
  • i2500-18 iFlex® 18 "(48 cm) Flexible Current Probe
  • TPAK Magnetic hook for ToolPak ™ multimeters
  • Premium carrying case
  • Quick reference guide
  • Product codes: FLUKE-378 FC / E, 5225723, 0195112002148

For specifications, see the product sheet available in the ATTACHED DOCUMENTS section

378 FC_bundle

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